Pop Art

April 25th, 2012 by Ben

A couple drawings I made a while back for my most special lady gf, Allie.  Thought I’d post ’em.  If you look real closely, you might recognize some characters from television shows.  I like television.

Sometimes love should be... terrifying

Bebop Hearts Rocksteady

Does this count slash fic?

You can download all sorts of sizes of Buster and Bebop and Rocksteady on my Flickr.

There Will Be Ghosts

February 6th, 2012 by Ben

I am so topical.

There’s a post over on the For Tax Reasons site about Level Up and Matt Burnett and my debut as television writers.  However, since I inundate my social networks with posts about Level Up (Tuesdays @ 8pm/7c on Cartoon Network), I thought I’d write about some other topics.

I finally finished storyboarding the music video I’m working on for the Max Levine Ensemble’s “Ghost Song”.  Here’s a few boards I’ve sketched out.

in these next ones. there’s supposed to be ghosts flying around DC, scaring everyone  I’ll be animating them in later so just use your amazing imagination.

On to color schematics and then animation!  And if you haven’t yet, go check out the Max Levine Ensemble’s new EP “elephant in the room”.  It is so choice.  If you have the means, I highly recommend picking up it up/downloading it/donating.  I was lucky enough to see them play it in person when they rolled through Cali on tour.