For Tax Reasons Goes To Genericon

January 20th, 2011 by Ben

February 11th-13th, Matt and I (aka For Tax Reasons) will be all up in Troy, New York for GENERICON XXIV!

For Tax Reasons Goes To Genericon

48 straight hours of sci-fi, anime, and gaming (of the video, table and live action varieties).  Of course, like any self-respecting convention, there will be PANELS PANELS PANELS!

We’ll be running two of the previously exclaimed panels.  A how-to animate panel- where Matt and I will discuss producing independent shorts, the creative process and showcasing work. As well as a screening and Q&A panel- where we’ll take on all the scathing questions and criticisms the viewing public has been too afraid to voice over the internet.  And as a special surprise† we’ll be screening our never released Ronin Dojo Community College DX cartoon!

Go to for more details.  We’ll be chilling there all weekend, and should have a table up. So if you’re in the NY area, come around and hang out.

†no longer a surprise, specialty withstanding

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